Rupribha Electricals (OPC) Private Limited is a Private(Person Company) incorporated on 27 December 2021. It is classified as a Non-govt company and is registered at the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1,500,000 and its paid-up capital is Rs. 100,000. It is involved in Other retail trade of new goods in specialized stores.
After more than 5 years of in-depth and intensive research for Renewable Energy technology around the world, with the majority of Asian countries already relying on solar power generation of electricity as one of their strategic sources of power, the possibility of implementation in the Indian market was cleared in late 2013.
Due to the current global power generation dilemma and the encouragement to GO GREEN (relying on Renewable Energy Sources) as well as the advantage of being one of the best countries in the world in terms of sunlight intensity throughout the year, the Indian government has begun to actively encourage and direct investments in this sector, which is a viable solution to the power shortage The birth of Rupribha was done by Rubi Rathaur, the director of Rupribha Electricals (OPC) Private Limited.
In the solar energy market, to deliver the most attractive value. Our customers define value as developing and installing the highest quality solar energy systems on time, safely, and with great customer satisfaction at a cheap cost.
Our legacy is our planet, and there is only one of it. The widespread usage of fossil fuel energy has resulted in irreversible consequences. The more we wait, the worse the situation will become. Let's select a more responsible approach to power our lives by going solar together.